- Strange color combinations that make it hard to read for a viewer.
- Text that is too small,
- Unrelated advertisements – that will provide distraction to viewers.
- Hidden text (Normally text that matches the color of your page background)
- Instances of 5 or 6 keywords being repeated in a row
- Submitting your Website to FFA sites.
- Duplicate pages, doorway pages and cloaked page.
- Re-direction from the home page to another.
- Automated submission to search engines.
- Submitting to search engines more than ONCE a month!
- Keyword stuffing in comments tags, Meta keyword tags and image alt tags
- Participating in link farms.
(A link farm consists of sites that link to other sites for the sole purpose of increasing their link popularity score.) - Use of <Meta refresh> tag in HTML page header.
- Using trademarks or company names belonging to others in your Meta tags.
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large images to large browser windows
Meta description in SEO
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Title Tag
Title Tag in SEO